380th Bomb
Group Association
9/10/99; 10/17/01: from John G. Koller (531st), Acft Cmdr:
Corrections from Attendees at the 380th Bomb Group Reunion,
September 22-26, 1999, Tucson, Arizona:
Meredith, Jim T. (O-563822), Group HQ, Ground Staff: His rank upon entering the 380th should be Capt
Loy, Edward C. (O-569163), 528th, Ground Staff: His rank upon departing the 380th should be Capt
Porter, John M. (O-795631), 528th, Acft Cmdr: He did not fly on Beller's Crew (6), nor on BLACK MAGIC; his date of initial deployment should be May 1943, not Apr 1943
Root, Lee A. (T-359), 528th, Pilot: He did not fly on Baker's Overseas Crew (4)
Shaw, Phillip A., Jr. (O-421705), 528th, Pilot, Acft Cmdr: Instead of Grenfel's Overseas Crew (2), he flew on Baker's Overseas Crew (4); in addition to flying on DAUNTLESS DOTTIE, he also flew on GOLDEN GOOSE
Beiber, Clarence H. (37433517), 529th, Gunner: In addition to Toepperwein's Crew (17), he flew with Jennings's Crew (33), on JEZEBELLE; his departing entry should read: KIA, 8 Mar 44 (with Jennings), T/Sgt
Gigliotti, Anthony E. (12044261), 529th, Gunner: In addition to what's shown, he also served on Toepperwein's Crew (17) and on SNAFU II
Gross, Howard W. (39311686), 529th, Gunner: In addition to serving on Jennings' Crew, he served on Toepperwein's Crew (19), on SNAFU II; his rank at the time of his KIA, 8 Mar 44, was T/Sgt
Bissallon, Russell P. (20109685), 530th, Asst Radio Opr, Gunner: Correct his first name to Russell, not Adrian
Cronic, Henry V., Jr. (14094232), 530th, Flt Eng: Correct his first name to Henry, not Harvey; in addition, he flew on ROUGH KNIGHT
DeLoache, George (O-691483), 530th, Acft Cmdr: Change his middle initial to N from W; correct his ASN number as shown here; also change his plane from DOTTIE'S DOUBLE to ROUGH KNIGHT
Grimm, John J. (36606238), 530th, Radio Opr: In addition to flying on DOTTIE'S DOUBLE, he also flew on SNORKEY; he also flew with Piper's Crew (64)
Gronkowski, Leonard B. (13127421), 530th, Gunner: He did not fly with the Ross/Handorf Crew (57); in addition, his departing data should read: PAR23, SO240, 5AF, 27 Aug 44, S/Sgt
Guerard, Harold G., Jr. (O-669279), 530th, Bombardier: he flew on ROUGH KNIGHT, and his date of entry should be Oct 43, not Jul 44
Reed, Wiley C. (36058410), 530th, Gunner: He was not delayed at Hamilton Field due to Illness
Anderson, Robert J. (O-752170), 531st, Pilot: His departing rank should be Capt
Bryant, Elmer T. (13180680), 531st, Gunner: In addition to Ziegler's Crew (NL), he also flew on Whitlock's Crew (NL)
Butler, Edward E. (13033451), 531st, Gunner: Sternke's Crew number should be 103, not 104
Matthew, Carl J. (16188022), 531st, Gunner: In addition to Christensen's Crew (NL), he also served on Koller's Crew (NL) (also noted above with phone call from Koller)
Ogilvie, Robert R. (39192081), 531st, Radio Opr: His date of departure should be 11 Sep 44
Sears, Francis L. (O-700552), 531st, Acft Cmdr: Instead of PATTY'S PIG, he flew on SLIGHTLY DANGEROUS
Stephenson, Gail F. (O-785433), 531st, Bombardier: Change his ASN number (correct number is shown here)
Thomas, William L. (T-134, O-888700), 531st, Acft Cmdr: Change his ASN number (correct number is shown here)
In addition to those noted above for Volume I:
Group HQ - List of Commanders: Add ROUGH KNIGHT to Forrest Brissey's listing
528th - Baker's Overseas Crew (4): Substitute Phillip A. Shaw, Jr. (with noted changes), for Lee A. Root
528th - Beller (6): Remove John M. Porter from this crew list; change Lee Root's entry from Baker's Overseas Crew to Beller's Overseas Crew (as Pilot)
528th - Sowa's Overseas Crew (9): For Hillard, John M. (Passenger), change his plane listing from DAUNTLESS DOTTIE to LITTLE EVA
529th - Jennings (33): For Bieber, Gigliotti, and Gross, add Toepperwein (17) to their listings
529th - Toepperwein (17): Add Bieber, Gigliotti, and Gross from Jennings (33)
530th - List of Commanders: Add ROUGH KNIGHT to George DeLoache's listing
530th - DeLoache/English (64, 76): Add ROUGH KNIGHT to all of DeLoache's crew (make change also in Volume 1)
530th - DeLoache/English (64, 76): Change Langdon's crew number from 62 to 64 (also change in Volume 1)
530th - Piper (64): Add Leonard B. Gronkowski (13127421), Gunner, to this crew (he was listed under Ross/Handorf (57))
530th - Ross/Handorf (57): Remove Leonard Gronkowski from this crew (move him to Piper (64))
531st - Koller (NL): Add Carl J. Matthew, Gunner, here (also listed in Christensen Crew (NL))
531st - Sears/Eden (85, 99): Change all crew listings from PATTY'S PIG to SLIGHTLY DANGEROUS (also change in Volume 1)
531st - Whitlock (NL): Add Elmer T. Bryant, Gunner, to this crew (also in Ziegler Crew (NL))
9/28/99, from Earl A. Robertson (530th) [Navigator (T-124524, O-1686469), Hamrick's Crew,
flew 42 missions, June 44- June 45]:
Raymond L. Tucker (32167086), Flt Eng, Hamrick's Crew, was only on McDaniel's Crew as a pickup crew from Darwin to Brisbane; his departing entry should read: KFA (with McDaniels), 26 Feb 45
10/1/99, from Leon Ladman (529th), Gunner: His ASN should be: 32718153
10/15/99, from Gerald Stallings (530th):
Robert L. Grundler left as F/O not 2/Lt
10/15/99, from Warren E. Greeley (529th): Intelligence, Intelligence NCO (631) not Supply, Quartermaster Supply Technician (821); also RHEW RU, Sgt
10/15/99, from Robert A. Garn (Group): Left as Maj, not Lt Col
12/13/99, from Joseph W. Dally (528th):
1/14/00, from Joseph Dally (528th):
Joe has called our attention to the fact that the masthead of the
Flying Circus book (1946) carries the names of those developing it
as follows:
1/16/00, from James Duff (528th): Also flew FLAK FLED FLAPPER
1/28/00, from the Editors: In the Appendix to Part I, the duty code 174 - Radio Repairman, should be under Communications, Maintenance, instead of under Transportation, Maintenance; we apologize for this clerical error
2/11/00, from Graeme Thomas, son of Edward G. McDonald (528th):
4/7/00, from W.O. (Bill) Rupert (529th):
June 2000, from Theodore J. Williams (531st):
July 10, 2000, from Tom Isaack (528th):
August 16, 2000, from Kenneth D. Virden (529th, Guy's Crew):
August 2000, RAAF corrections Ted Williams learned of during his visit to Australia for the B-24 Rollout :
R. (or K.) P. Tenz, F/O, Co-pilot, M#221, Mission 116-E2, April 26, 1945, Saigon Docks, The Philippines, THE MISS HAP
November 13, 2003, from Craig Bellamy, by email: RAAF
crew corrections --
click here to see his changes.
December 8, 2003, from Richard Heyden, by email:
Changed the spelling on his father's name from Donald L. Hayden to Donald L. Heyden
(O-786933) -- 530th, Dallas Crew
December 18, 2003, from Ed Painter, by email:
Change his father's serial number from 7025351 to 7025851 -- 528th, Ground Crew, Ordnance
April 10, 2004, from Joe Dally, by email:
Changed crew designation for Ernest Roper (528th); he was only on Dally's Crew
(9), not on Fleming's Crew.
December 4, 2004, from William J. Weeks, by email:
His father, Wiliam Leslie Arnold Weeks (RAAF), served with the 531st. His name
was incorrectly listed as "Meeks."
September 10, 2005, from Ian L. Natkin, by email:
Corrected last name spelling for Peter N. Houhoulis (529th); it had been listed as Houholis.
September 19, 2005, from Mick Maguire, by email:
Corrected spelling of his grandfather's name: George ("Paddy") Henry Maguire (530th),
McPherson's Crew; it had been listed as McGuire, P. (NMI).
October 25, 2005, from George R. Grover: Corrected first
name of his mechanic: should be Emile V. Gaudet, not Eward V. Gaudet. Also
gave a correction on the Synar Crew caption for FLAK FLED FLAPPER (Part V
Aircraft) and a short description of the source of the picture for "The
Flapper." These corrections are on shown on the FLAK FLED FLAPPER webpage.
November 7, 2005, from Nancy De'Aeth (daughter), by email:
Corrected aircraft from DUCHESS OF PADUCAH to ATOM SMASHER for Aircraft
Commander Frank W. (F.W.) Jarek, 530th Squadron.
November 10, 2005, from Peter LaLena at the 380th Reunion in San Diego: For Swanson's Crew in the 529th, the following are the correct name spellings for these officers: Navigator: Nathan Nemirow (not Nemiron), Flight Engineer: Peter LaLena (not Lalena), Flight Engineer: Philip Rindone (not Rindono).
January 26, 2006, from Terry D. Hess (son), by email: Arthur
D. Hess, Jr., 530th Squadron, was an aerial photographer prior to his ground
service as a mess cook.
January 30, 2006, from Emma Morales (daughter), by email: Her
father, Victor C. Morales reported that the Grover Crew's (79) favorite plane
was TODDY (not MALE CALL). Also corrected her father's middle initial from
G. to C.
March 24, 2006, from Ted Williams: Jack (NMI) Williamson, 528th, 33286545, Radio Operator, Parker's Crew (2), was found to be KIA 19 Jul 1944 (with Tosch) - previously shown on rosters that he was PR Sept 44, RM
April 17, 2006, from Chris MacDonald (son), by email: His father is Donald ("Red:) MacDonald (528th). Based on documents forwarded to us from Chris, we changed his father's Crew designation from Raggio's Crew (7) to Shaffer's Crew (12) on both Parts I (Roster) and II (Crews). Edward G. McDonald, 37184712, had been incorrectly identified as the Gunner on Shaffer's Crew (12), and his Roster entry had already been changed based on a previous errata entry dated 2/11/00 from Graeme Thomas (son), which read as follows:
2/11/00, from Graeme Thomas, son of Edward G. McDonald (528th): Shaffer's crew to be modified to read Donald (NMI) MacDonald just as his entry appears on Raggio's crew. Modify McDonald's entry in the Roster to: McDonald, Edward G., 37184712, Ground Staff, Engineering, Maintenance, Aircraft and Engine Mechanic (747) / BATTLE WEARY | Initial Deployment, May 43, Cpl | PR Sep 45, RM, Sgt
April 19, 2006, from Mike Krekling (son), by email: His father is George E. Krekling; corrected spelling of last name (from Kreckling to Krekling, there's no "c"). George was in the 531st Squadron, Ground Staff, Engineering, Line Chief, Technical Inspector.
July 18, 2006, from Dennis Carnell (son), by email: "My father Flying Officer (later Flight Lieutenant) Ron Carnell flew with the 380th in one of the RAAF crews (Arnie Rayment's crew) from April to July 1944. Please note you have misspelled his name as Carnall. According to dad's log book he joined the 380th in April 1944, flying his first mission, a strike on Manokwari Airstrip (Dutch New Guinea), on 21 May 1944 (11.25 hours) and his last with the 380th on 1 July 1944, a strike on Namlea Airstrip (Boeroe Island) (10.25 hours). On his final mission with the 380th they were shot up by fighters and landed at Darwin. Dad transferred to 24 Squadron RAAF in July 1944 and finished the war with 24 squadron flying a total of 32 combat missions."
July 18, 2006, from Patricia Hicks (daughter), by email: Father is Robert T. Hicks, 530th; found copy of his discharge papers, and gave us the following info: ASN was 33 080 681, deployed 7-26-1943, rank was Sergeant, Date & Title of order when leaving group: Convenience of Gov AR 615-365 15 Dec 44 & RR1-1 & Demobilization as amended by TWX TAG, 4 Sept. 45, rank of Sergeant.
September 6, 2006, from George J. Previs, by email: I am incorrectly listed as the radio operator in the 529th squadron. My specialty was armorer gunner and my rank was staff sergeant -- promoted while involved in the occupation of Japan. Corrected 9/7/06.
September 25, 2006: In going over old newsletter issues of the B-24 LIBERATOR SQUADRONS OF AUSTRALIA, Barb Gotham found the following corrections to WE WENT TO WAR, Parts I, II, and III.
528th, Rhodes Edgar (Dusty) Hensel (middle name addition), also added his ID number of 407204
528th, John Bernard Mackay (last name correction)
529th, F. Hamlyn (Ham) Treweeke (middle name addition)
530th, Selwyn James Baker (first name correction)
530th, Colin R. Flood (middle initial correction)
530th, Rex Sullivan (added first name, previously unknown)
531st, Donald Fraser Smith (middle name correction)
We also added several names to the TAPS listings based on information found in these newsletters.
Name |
Sqdn |
380th Assignment |
Place of Death |
Date of Death |
Ashcroft, Gordon |
528th |
Flt Engr, Hawkesford (19) |
Bribie Island, Queensland, Australia |
1999 |
Baker, Selwyn James ("Sel") |
530th |
Bombardier, Cupper (70A) |
Melbourne Australia |
09/16/1996 |
Cupper, Ray |
530th |
A/C Cmdr, Cupper (70A) |
Robinvale, Victoria, Australia |
08/22/2002 |
Demmery, John G. ("Jack") |
530th |
Radio Opr, Cupper (70A) |
Orange, Australia |
11/1998 |
Evans, Arthur |
528th |
Ground Staff, Crew Chief (one of the first, if not the first Australian with the 380th) |
North Shore, Australia |
11/12/1996 |
Flood, Colin R. |
530th |
Gunner, Hirst (72) |
Kelmscott, WA, Australia |
1999 |
Gillespie, Adam Forsyth |
531st |
A/C Cmdr, Gillespie (94) |
Pymble, NSW, Australia |
08/10/2005 |
Grimm, Lindsay C. |
531st |
Flt Engr, Eriksen (77) |
Australia |
10/19/1998 |
Hensel, Rhodes Edgar ("Dusty") |
528th |
Gunner, Dunne (21) |
Broadview, South Australia |
Early 2003 |
Kearney, Frank |
531st |
Tail Gunner, Finlayson (82) |
Toowoomba, Australia |
04/08/1998 |
Kingwell, Deryck William |
529th |
A/C Cmdr, Kingwell (42) |
Brisbane, Australia |
05/31/2002 |
Mackay, John Bernard ("Jack") |
528th |
Gunnery Leader, Bell (19) |
Brighton-le-Sands, Australia |
07/21/1992 |
Mathias, Francis Jeffrey Douglas ("Frank") |
531st |
Flt Engr, Halliday (88) |
Chatswood, Australia |
12/20/2005 |
Moore, Eldin |
531st |
A/C Cmdr, Moore (91) |
East S. Kilda, Australia |
05/18/2002 |
Portway, Colin |
529th |
A/C Cmdr, Portway (46) |
Australia |
Early 1998 |
Price, William George |
528th |
Radio Opr, Miller (20) |
Queensland, Australia |
Early 2000 |
Pusey, Richard G. |
530th |
Flt Eng, Carrigan (67) |
Australia |
07/22/1995 |
Roots, George C. |
528th |
Ball Turret Gunner, Miller (20) |
Ballina, NSW, Australia |
08/25/2004 |
Smith, Donald Fraser |
531st |
Wireless Air Gunner, Moore (91) |
Young, Australia |
07/20/2004 |
Southgate, Edward S. |
529th |
Radio Opr, MacKeller (43) |
West Pennant Hills, Australia |
06/2005 |
Sullivan, Rex |
530th |
Gunner, Blunck (71A) | Somerset Park, SA, Australia | 09/10/2000 |
Titmarsh, Donald Alexander |
528th |
Pilot, Gairn (22) |
Queensland, Australia |
07/02/1999 |
Treweeke, F. Hamlyn ("Ham") |
529th |
Bombardier, Hockings (42) |
Coolangatta, Queensland, Australia |
2000-2001 |
Wilkshire, John |
528th |
Asst Flt Engr/Gunner, Gray (19) |
Port Lincoln, South Australia |
01/29/2003 |
Atkinson, Helen |
s-528th |
Wife of Ted Atkinson | Queanbeyan, NSW, Australia | 03/03/2000 |
Dakeyne, Val |
s-530th |
Wife of Dick Dakeyne | Emerald Beach, NSW, Australia | 08/12/2005 |
November 29, 2006, from Gregory J. Maier, by email: Correcting the photo caption for the Morabito Crew on FIRST NIGHTER. One of the gunners had been identified as "Jones" - this has been corrected to Bob Cassin.
December 21, 2006, from Jim Cernick, by email: Correcting the last name of the gunner on the Hartley Crew (6), 528th Squadron; should be Henricksen, William J. (Jack), not Hendricksen.
February 7, 2007, from Robert C. Kiggins, by email: Correcting the TAPS information for his father, Leslie C. Kiggins.
February 13, 2007, from William Stevenson, by email: Correcting the TAPS information for his father, Walter Stevenson.
An attempt is being made to update all the PDF files as well as the webpage files that are affected by this list. If you find an error, please use the Comment Form to submit the correction.Last updated: 07/08/2012 09:12 PM