380th Bomb Group
NEWSLETTER #13 - December
2002 |
September 10, 2002
Mrs. Douglas S. Craig
7503 Riverview Way
Houston TX 77063-1509
Dear Mrs. Craig:
Thank you so much for your contribution to the 380th Bomb Group Association
Research Fund in the name of Joe Roth (Captain Joseph P.), Aircraft
Commander in the 528th Squadron and of one of the original deployment crews
sent to Australia in the Spring of 1943. We will handle this as your
request and very much appreciate your generosity and this memorialization of
Captain Roth.
Ted Williams
Subject: The 380th BMW.
Date: Sun, 21 Jul 2002 12:07:01 -0400
From: Philippe Colin
Organization: FB-111A.net and PHILIPPE's Aviation Pages.
Mr. Williams,
I have some news for you and members of your association concerning the
380th BMW museum at Plattsburgh. I've been trying to save what was left in
the old museum for years and finally, things have happened. When the Air
Force left, the content of the museum was donated to the Clinton County
Historical Association. As a volunteer, I helped moved everything to a new
location and my goal is to save all historical items in our possession. It
will take time to go through everything and catalog what is left. For now, I
have created an exhibit for the upcoming Battle Of Plattsburgh celebration
in September.
Please, take a look at the following page and I will be happy to answer any
questions you may have.
Best regards,
Philippe Colin.
Creator and webmaster of FB-111A.net and Philippe's Aviation Pages.
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