
Bomb Group

380th Bomb Group Association
World War II Veterans Group


NEWSLETTER #43 - Summer 2010


Day is done, gone the sun, from the lake, from the hill,
from the sky. All is well, safely rest, God is nigh.

Thanks and praise for our days 'neath the sun, `neath
the stars, `neath the sky. As we go, this we know
God is nigh.


528th/Group, Chutich, Joseph D., Ordance Officer (528th) and Group Motor Maintenance Officer (Group), DOD March 13, 2010, Coon Rapids. Minnesota, reported by Ray Oeth

528th, Fortenberry, William M., Pilot, Tate Crew (9), DOD January 27, 2010, Mobile, Alabama, by his widow, Barbara

528th, Haves, Hyman H., Navigator, Spencer Crew (16), DOD March 3, 2010, Los Angeles, California, reported by his daughter Maeera Mougin, and Arvid Olson

528th, Oakes, Donna Lea, wife of Loyd Oakes, DOD February 11, 2010, Corpus Christi, Texas, reported by her husband, Loyd

529th/Group, Fanus, Sheldon H., Intelligence Officer, DOD 2010, Leesburg, Florida, reported by Steve Kelley

529th, Garner, William S., Pilot, Hendrickson Crew, DOD April 21, 2010, Fort Smith, Arkansas, reported by his son, Richard Garner

529th, Gordon, William A., Navigator, Kroes Crew (56), DOD February 12, 2010, St Louis, Missouri, reported by his widow, Sylvia

529th, Osborne, Henry A., Aircraft Commander, Osborne Crew, DOD July 9, 2010, Lakehurst, New Jersey, reported by his widow, Marcia

529th/530th, Henderson, Ralph A., Ordance Officer (529th and 530th) and Transportation Officer (530th), DOD February 24, 2010, Dallas. Texas, reported by his son, Keith Henderson

530th, Ross, Max, Aircraft Commander, Ross Crew (57), DOD October 5, 1970, Omaha, Nebraska, reported by his son, Larry Ross



Link to Complete TAPS Listing


     Please send TAPS information to:

Barbara J Gotham

130 Colony Road, West Lafayette IN 47906-1209
380th.ww2@gmail.com <380th.ww2@gmail.com>

Click here for TAPS notification form


When submitting a TAPS listing for a 380th member or spouse, please be sure to include the person's name and squadron, city/state where living at time of death, date of death (if exact date not known, then month/year or even just year is sufficient), and your name and relationship to him/her.

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  Last updated:  07/09/2012 07:46 PM