528th - Leonard A. Castor, Ground Staff, Engineering, Maintenance, Crew Chief (MISS GIVING), DOD February
21, 1979, Pangburn, Arkansas, reported by his grandson, Anthony Reed
528th - Willard H. Gehman, Navigator, Herbst Crew (10), DOD June 7, 2011, Allentown, Pennsylvania, reported
by his daughter, Sue Mitch
528th - William F. Klenn, Forward Turret Gunner, Craig's Crew (8), DOD November 20, 1996, reported by
Agnes Strikaite (Fact Not Fic on Films), while researching for the SHADY LADY documentary
528th - Vernon A. ("Barney") Krout, Assistant Flight Engineer/Gunner, Craig's Crew (8), DOD February 2000,
reported by Tristan Loraine (Fact Not Fic on Films), who was informed by a cousin of Barney's while researching
for the SHADY LADY documentary
528th - Maurice V. ("Slim" / "Marty") Powers, Gunner, Craig's Crew (8) (SHADY LADY), DOD September 1,
2011, Boron, California, reported by Bill Shek at the request of the family
529th - Howard H. Murphy, Pilot / POW, See's Crew (40) (SQUAW PEAK), DOD July 8, 2003, Midwest City,
Oklahoma, reported by his son, Larry Murphy
529th - Frank Oncay, Jr., Navigator, Vogel's Crew, DOD June 27, 1978, Alexandria, Louisiana, reported by his
daughter, Janis Kazel
531st - Charles W. French, Flight Engineer, Nunan/Boyd's Crews, DOD July 5, 1985, Indianapolis, Indiana,
reported by his son, Dennis French
531st - Niles L. Grover, Acft Cmdr, Asst Sqdn Opns Officer, Grover's Crew (79), DOD August 29, 2011, Weatherly, Pennsylvania, reported by his daughter, Jan Grover
531st - Victor C. Morales, Radio Operator, Grover's Crew (79), DOD April 30, 2011, Saginaw, Michigan, reported
by his widow, Guadalupe
531st - Thaddeus Frank Suwalski, Ground Staff, Mess Hall, Cook, and Transportation, Truck Driver, Light,
DOD February 23, 1960, Buffalo, New York, reported by his son, Thaddeus (Ted) L. Suwalski
531st - Robert Edward Walters, Gunner, Lenihan's Crew (81), DOD June 25, 1972, Englewood, Colorado,
reported by his daughter, Judy Moore
Group - Rex Pooyouma, Hopi Code Talker, DOD October 23, 2010, Hotevilla, Arizona, reported by Eugene
"Geno" Talas, Hopi Veterans Services, The Hopi Tribe