380th Bomb
Group Association
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Apr 24, 2012 I was just reviewing the 380th website and I thought I would send this poor photo to you. My father, Fred Carlage, was a flight navigator in the 529 squadron. The plane pictured may be the Miss Hap. On the top row left to right: Bottom row left to right: This picture was taken at the Pueblo Air Force base. I have my father's war album which has approx 150-200 pictures. I snapped this photo with a digital camera and I can't get the glare out. My father is still living at 95 and he believes he is the last survivor of the Ivey crew. Keep up the good work, |
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Apr 28, 2012 We had our Anzac Day earlier this week on the 25th. I had a spare Poppy so I placed it on the 380th Bomb Group plaque in the gardens at the Adelaide River War Cemetery. Thanks to all those brave Americans who gave their all from Australian soil. Doug Tilley |
May 25, 2012
My grandfather just passed away on Tuesday. I have been thinking about him a lot. I am only 25, so not that old, but I remember when I was a kid he used to tell stories about the war all the time. In recent years he has not talked about it as much just because he became more quiet as he got older, I think it's common for people to get more quiet as they age. So I never really got a chance to talk to him about the war recently. I knew a lot about what he went through and some of the missions he was in. But I was not sure exactly what air force he served in, never mind the bomb group and squadron number.
His name is George Leaska, he was a tail gunner in a B-24. By searching the internet I found your website and found out that he served in the 5th Air Force, 380th bomb group, 530th squadron, in air crew #64. Barnett was the flight commander, I have heard him mention the name Barnett before. Some of the other names sound familiar too.
Since my grandfather just passed away I am still very emotional about it. But websites like this help me feel like I can reconnect with him. I just want to thank you for preserving the history of what my grandfather and all the other veterans went through. Preserving this history and allowing their legacy live on is extremely important to me. In the coming days I will spend time looking through your website. I hope that I can find a picture of my grandfather's flight crew, with him in the picture. I'm not sure if anybody else from air crew #64 is still alive. I think my grandfather may have been the last surviving member because I know he was the youngest person in the crew, he was only 17 when he enlisted in 1943.
Thank you so much,
Christopher Urena
Apr 6, 2012 Thanks for your thoughts on my father's passing, Barbara. We will see if we can come the reunion in New Orleans this Fall. Lee Brissey III
Mar 28, 2012
I am conducting official research into a variety of US air force units based in Australia during WWII to confirm base locations and activities conducted. Much of the prior research I have reviewed has focussed on 'operational' activities (i.e. bombing missions, etc.); however, there appears to very little information related to what the units did at their bases and the training they conducted in Australia.
Information I am seeking includes (but is not limited) to photos, maps, diagrams, diaries, etc., related to the following:
- where units were located at various times throughout WWII
- aerodrome/base layouts (runways, taxiways, hangars, bomb & armament storage & loading areas, etc)
- flying & bombing training (where conducted, what munitions used, etc)
If you have information related to the above, I'd be very grateful if you could let me know or send copies of information.
Thanks in advance
Ian Bullpitt
(Major, retired, Australian Army Engineers)
Apr 1, 2012 Did a search on Ebay for the 380th, no leather jackets this time but a batch of original photos were up for auction. Again if you know of any books that have become available, please pass on the info. Regards, Mark Wheatley |
Apr 16, 2012 I am not sure how active the 380th association still is but my father-in-law, Cecil Edgar Parsons, an Australian pilot with your group is still going strong and still flying his own plane. He also flew in the RAF in bomber command earlier in the war. Regards Michael O'Donnell
I came across this photo on the internet. It shows a B-24 interior, rear part of the fuselage, at the bottom hatch, with an aerial camera mounted in the open hatch (view is looking forward, from the tail toward the front). Guess this was the way a lot of aerial strike photos were taken. The guy in the background, in the partition "doorway," is one of the waist gunners at his gun.
I also found the photo of a B-24 outside a manufacturing facility, showing how it was put together in sections.
Bill Shek
B-24 Assembly |
B-24 Camera Hatch |
12/27/11 My maternal grandfather, Bernard Shashaguay, died a week ago. Upon his death, my mother (Sally) and some of her siblings discovered some papers and books that have raised questions about his military service. The family had known that my grandfather served in the army in Asia during WWII, but he had never talked about his service and no one had any reason to believe that his service involved anything of note. His discharge papers, however, reveal that he received some awards as a Technical Sergeant for the 531st Squadron of the 380th Bomb Group from 1942 to 1945. We were very surprised by this information. This information led us to your website, 380th.org, where my grandfather is included on your roster. The information we have has prompted more questions than we'll ever get answered. But I write in hopes that, given your work with the 380th, you might be able to shed some light on a few things. Your website lists my grandfather as "Ground Staff , Engineering, Technical Supply, Quartermaster Supply Technician; Administrative NCO." What does all of this mean? What did my grandfather actually do? I know you may not be able to answer specifically, but I'm hoping for general information about what someone with his title would have done for the 531st. My grandfather earned some awards. Would you be able to explain what the awards were for, and what he might have done to earn them? We've been able to figure some of them out by searching online, but your expertise would be appreciated. I can email you the entire list. For example, he was awarded two bronze battle stars and one silver battle stars. (Side note: sadly, we've been unable to locate most of his awards, including the three stars.) His discharge papers list all of the places he served. I can share this information if it would be helpful in answering these questions. Finally, based on your website, it appears that you hold reunions and provide a way for members of the 380th to stay connected. Would it be possible for you to make some sort of announcement (by email, in your newsletter, or some other way) that the family of Bernie Shashaguay is looking to be in touch with anyone who might have served with him? Any chance to get a first hand account, or possibly copies of photos, from someone who served with my grandfather would be very special. Many thanks for any assistance you are able to provide. Take care. Andrew Lievense 06/13/12 Hello Andrew,
06/19/12 Barbara and Bill, Andrew |
10/9/11 Going through files in the
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