GP/531st - Caputo, Roger W., Ground Staff, Intelligence, Adm Section, DOD December 15, 2013, St. Genevieve, Missouri, reported by his son, David Caputo
GP/531st - Caputo, Virginia, widow of Roger W. Caputo, DOD April 30, 2014, St. Genevieve, Missouri, reported by her son, David Caputo
528th - Isaack, Margaret Mary (Peggy), widow of Thomas Isaack, DOD June 30, 2014, Morgantown, West Virginia, reported by her daughter, Terry Isaack Knight
528th - Italiano, Lawrence A., Ground Staff, Orderly Room Clerk, DOD June 1, 2014, Westerly, Rhode Island, reported by his companion, Anastatia Troyan
529th - Beegle, Woodrow W., Pilot, Hawkey's Crew (57), DOD April 1, 2010, Vallejo, California, reported by his daughter, Trudy Hull (his widow, Betty, survives)
530th - Lysaker, Gene C., Gunner, Turiak's Crew (70), DOD May 5, 2012, Twin Valley, Minnesota, reported by Bill Shek
531st - Bradley, William Stanley, Gunner, Christensen's Crew, DOD April 5, 1965, Wilmington, Delaware, reported by his son, Michael Bradley