380th Bomb Group Association

 NEWSLETTER #9 -- December  2001



At the Dayton Reunion Business Meeting we mentioned that we had about 20 copies remaining of the Rosters (WE WENT TO WAR, Parts I and II). We promised to send them to new members of the Association who have joined since we made the original mailing. We will begin this distribution as soon as the current Aircraft Project is completed, i.e., probably next Spring or Summer.


The Aircraft We Flew

Keep Them Flying

Those of you who attended the Dayton Reunion had the chance to review the complete manuscript of our 380th aircraft history project entitled WE WENT TO WAR. Parts V and VI, The Planes We Flew. We hope you were all happy with what you saw there.

We regret the time it has taken to complete this work. However, the work of the Purdue organization where both Barb and I are assigned has changed significantly in the last few months, increasing Barb's assigned workload considerably. Since she must work on her 380th activities in her "spare time," this has increased our web publishing time significantly, as you know. However, the work is progressing and she expects to get the first 40 aircraft (the initial deployment aircraft plus the older two replacements -- ALLEY OOP and BIG CHIEF COCKEYE), along with the introductory material, on the web before February 28, 2002.

If you have any photos of the 380th aircraft that you'd like to share with us, feel free to send them to us. You can send your original photos, or have them scanned and then send us the scanned copies by either email (380th.ww2@gmail.com) or regular mail, whichever method you are most comfortable with.

If you have any crew photos (with or without aircraft), or target photos, mission maps, etc., we will be glad to have those also. Barb will be adding crew photos to our website (in Part II -Flight Crews) once she completes the current aircraft project. Mission maps and target photos will be helpful for the next phase of our research project.

The current terrorist emergency has imposed ALERT STATUS CHARLIE on all of the Air Force bases in the U.S., as we found at Wright-Patterson. This means that Maxwell Field is also closed to researchers at the Air Force History Section of the Air University. If this continues indefinitely, it may put a severe delay in our mission research for the next phase of our project (mission locations). We have plenty of data for now, but not complete enough for what we had hoped to do in total.

At the Dayton Reunion we stated that our major method of publication of the Aircraft History would have to be by means of the Internet. However, some volumes will have to be printed to obtain the copies needed for copyright, museum donations, etc. It appears that the Research funds may be sufficient for this. Several of you asked if you could make a donation to increase the Research Fund to make extra copies for you. We have now investigated the required costs for each set of two volumes and it appears that including mailing costs, that a sum of $60.00 would handle all of our costs plus this mailing. Please let us know as soon as you can if you want one, since we will want to do all the hard-bound copies at the same time.

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