380th Bomb Group Association

 NEWSLETTER #9 -- December  2001

Compatriots and Friends,

We are happy to hear both at the Reunion and afterwards that all of you enjoyed our visit to Dayton and Wright-Patterson Air Force Base. It is most heartwarming to Barb, Pat, and me to have so many of you express your thanks and appreciation to us for the Reunions, the Newsletter, and the History Project. We are committed, with your help, to continuing to serve you in the future as in the past.

Thanks to those of you who sent Barb Reunion pictures for this issue. We hope you enjoy them. Like last year, additional pictures will be posted on our website.

Pat has included with this issue her latest work on arranging our hotel and associated activities for the Salt Lake City Reunion next September. We hope to see all of you there!

Also presented here is our latest report on the 380th Airplanes Project, whose manuscript we showed you at Dayton, and our current findings concerning reproduction of our Squadron Patches.

Best wishes for the holidays, an easy winter, a delightful spring and summer, and an enjoyable reunion next fall!

To preserve the memory of the 380th.


Theodore J. (Ted) Williams

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