
Bomb Group

380th Bomb Group Association


NEWSLETTER #39 --  Summer 2009

Topics for this Newsletter:

2009 Reunion

Mail Call

Aerospace in History --The Acorn Days

Photo Gallery

"Dream Time" #9, by Roger Caputo

Web Links

Membership Form


If anyone finds or has copies of any of the 380th history books that you no longer want, please let me know.

I occasionally have people asking for copies, and since all our histories are currently out of print, I can only refer them to military bookstores or eBay.

Thanks! Barb Gotham


Please send address changes and other membership info updates to:

Barbara Gotham
130 Colony Road
West Lafayette IN 47906-1209

Email: 380th.ww2@gmail.com


New Newsletter Features:

"Featured Crew" - Please provide a photo of your crew (air crew or ground crew) along with names of those pictured. When space permits, more than one crew can be featured per issue.

"Photo Gallery" - A suggestion has been made for an ongoing photo gallery, where the vets or family members could submit WWII photos from their collections to be published in each issue. Please send in your photos!

"Then and Now" - It is always interesting to see photos of people "then" (in our case, during the war) and how they look now!  Send in your photos!

"Web Links" - Links will be included for websites of interest to or related to the 380th Bomb Group.

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Last updated:  22 May 2014