380th Bomb
Group Association
About the Authors Acknowledgments References
We have tried as best we could to make this record as complete and accurate in its compilation as possible, but always errors in omission or commission will occur, either our fault or because of blanks in the available records. Therefore, we hope you will let us know of any such errors.
For a list of the errors found to date for Parts I-IV, please click here; for corrections to Parts V-VI, click here.
Every attempt has been made to get permission to use photographs, drawings, information, etc., when the sources were known. If copyrighted material appears here, please let us know so permission can be requested and credit given.
>If you have any photos, corrections, or other information to add to this history, please send email to Barbara Gotham at 380th.ww2@gmail.comor use our Comment Form.
Last updated: 13 August 2015