380th Bomb
Group Association
Data Presented:
Last Name, First Name, Middle Initial(s), if present; ASN | Aircraft Commander's Name (Air Crew Number); Airplane Name When Claimed | Title of Order Joining Organization, Date of Order, Entering Rank | Title of Order Leaving or Cause When Leaving Organization, Date of Order or Event, Highest Rank Attained While in Organization as Given by Available Data | Special Notes When Applicable
Format Used:
Block 1 |
Block 2 |
Block 3 |
Block 4 |
Block 5 |
/ , / , / , / |
/ ( ), / |
/ , / , / |
/ , / , / |
/ |
Block 1 |
Block 2 |
Block 3 |
Block 4 |
Block 5 |
Personal Data |
Air Crew Assignment |
Assignment Orders |
Transfer Orders |
Special Notes |
Abbreviations Used:
Block 1, Name and Serial Numbers
No Middle Initial; used when no middle name or initial was claimed by the individual, or if this information was unavailable |
IO |
Initial Only; may apply to first or middle name, or both |
0-XXX |
Serial Number for Commissioned Officer, U.S. |
Serial Number for Warrant Officer, U.S. |
Serial Number for Flight Officer, U.S. |
Designates a member of the Royal Australian Air Force |
Block 2, Flight Crew Designations
The Flight Crews were designated by their Aircraft Commander's name and by a numerical listing; both are given here. The crew numbers assigned by the 380th changed frequently (at least six times) as additional aircraft and crews were received. The number used for the longest time by each crew was used here. When crews completed their assignments, their existing number was given to the next crew that arrived. Crew numbering ceased abruptly on 15 May 1945. Crews that arrived after that date are designated as (NL) (None Listed).
The aircraft listed is that claimed by the individual in his 380th Bomb Group Association Record, or the plane most often flown by that crew, or one in which they were shot down or crashed. The listing is made only when the aircraft carried a name. No serial numbers are used.
Note: Where individuals served for an appreciable time on different crews, then those crews and the corresponding aircraft are all given here, when available.
Block 3, Entering Orders by Which Assigned
This includes orders reassigning personnel within the 380th, between Squadrons or between Squadrons and Group as well as those assigning personnel initially to the 380th.
Air Travel Orders |
BG |
Bombardment (Bomb) Group (e.g., 380BG = 380th Bomb Group) |
FM |
Date of First Mission with 380th (Month and Year only) to establish period of service; for Australian crews only |
Fr |
From (e.g., Fr Gp = From Group) |
GO |
General Orders, usually used for promotions, decorations, etc. |
Gp |
Group |
Initial Deployment |
First transfer of 380th personnel by aircraft or ship from the U.S. to the South West Pacific War Theatre |
LO |
Letter Order, a simplified form of Special Order |
Original Cadre |
The first group of individuals who initially formed the 380th Bomb Group |
PA |
Probable Arrival Date (Month and Year only) where records missing and supposition possible from other records |
Paragraph, the section of the overall order dealing with the individual in question |
RB |
Replacement Battalion (e.g., 91RB) |
SO |
Special Order, the most common type of order |
T.O. |
Travel Orders |
T.O.-NOL |
Travel Orders (symbology used by Replacement Training Center, Charters Towers, Queensland, Australia) |
TC |
Troop Carrier (e.g., To 375 TC Gp) |
Fifth Bomber Command |
See Rank Comparison Table for usual rank abbreviations. Additional abbreviations are given in the Glossary.
Block 4, Orders Transferring Individual Between Units or from the 380th Bomb Group, or Casualty Designation
Air Crew Fly Home (return of combat crew and their aircraft to the U.S. after close of hostilities) |
AF |
Air Force (e.g., 5AF = Fifth Air Force) |
Orders used for Red Cross Emergency Family Leave and other related special purposes |
Evac Hosp |
Evacuation Hospital |
Orders from a special program to allow ground personnel of long service in the theatre to return to the United States on leave; must return to the war theatre at end of leave |
Travel Orders for return to the United States as issued by Headquarters USAAFE (U.S. Forces in the Far East) |
Death due to aircraft accident, includes those occurring on a combat mission but where enemy action not involved (killed in flying accident) |
Death due to a ground accident (killed in ground accident) |
Death due to event caused by known or supposed enemy action (killed in action) |
LM |
Probable Date of Last Mission (Month and Year Only); for Australian Crews only |
Missing in Action, cause unknown |
Prisoner of War |
PR (Date), RM |
Probable Return Date (Month and Year), Records Missing; supposition based on other records |
Returned Home After End of War, Records Unavailable; all archived records available ceased as of 1 October 1945 |
RM |
Records Missing |
Replacement Battalion (RB) |
RU |
Records Unavailable |
SW-US-###-AAF |
Orders used by the South West Pacific Command to send USAAF personnel back to the United States |
Transferred from 380th to Other Units within Theatre; records missing |
United States Armed Forces in the Far East |
U.S. Army Forces, Pacific |
United States Army Services of Supply |
Vocal Orders of the Commanding Officer |
Water Manifest |
Collected names of those individuals who were to return to the United States by ship at the end of the hostilities |
Other abbreviations same as Block 3. See Rank Comparison Table for usual rank abbreviations. Additional abbreviations are given in the Glossary.
Block 5, Special Notes
No abbreviations used.
Note that the terms Aircraft Commander and Pilot, as used in the modern air force, are used in this roster instead of the terms Pilot and Co-Pilot as actually used during the World War II period. This was done at the request of a large number of the personnel involved.